Stour Valley Underground’s Initial Outline Response 

to National Grid’s Undergrounding Decision 

and Connection Options Report

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SVU's Response

Stour Valley Underground welcome National Grid's recognition of the importance of the landscapes within and around the Stour Valley in its Connection Options Report (COR). We also welcome the proposal to underground the Dedham Vale Area of Natural Beauty (AONB) but believe that the undergrounding proposed is not extensive enough to yield a result appropriate to this high value landscape which is potentially destined for full AONB status.

We strongly support the proposed creation of an extended AONB to take in all of thepainters landscapes along and around the Stour Valley. We see this connection project as an excellent opportunity for NG to remove at least one more unsightly line of pylons from culturally important, high value landscape. SVU believe that significant economic benefits could accrue to the area from this further extension of the AONB.

The still existent view painted by Gainsborough in 1748

Note: In the following maps and images, all routes indicated are proposals in principle and not detailed route alignment proposals.